Contribuição das universidades mineiras no combate ao covid-19: uma análise schumpeteriana




This work aims to understand and analyze the roles of the university in favor of economic and technological development based on the actions of universities in the fight against the pandemic of COVID-19.The theoretical stage discusses the roles of the university and innovation for economic and technological development through the models of the Triple Helix, National Innovation System and Latin American Approach.The empirical stage exemplifies through the edicts funded by FAPEMIG to fight the pandemic how projects developed by universities and S&T institutes contributed to resolution of multifaceted problems resulting from COVID.Through the analysis it was inferred that the economic and technological development is achieved by the relationship between the roles of universities and technological innovation that, by developing new technologies, processes and products, assist in the process of reallocation of resources and, therefore, in the development and resolution of multifaceted and emerging problems, such as the pandemic of COVID-19.



How to Cite

Mesquita, A. J. D., & Teixeira, A. L. da S. (2022). Contribuição das universidades mineiras no combate ao covid-19: uma análise schumpeteriana. Po, 6(1), 3–24.